Sculpture Collector, LLC defined…
– Sculpture Services Defined – what we do and how we do it…
At we facilitate the Buying, Selling, Brokering, Listing, and Commissioning of Sculpture of all types. Sculpture Collector, LLC is based in Scottsdale, Arizona serving those interested in the collecting, buying, and selling of fine and creative sculpture worldwide. We have been working with collectors, sculptors, individuals as well as companies in the marketing of their respective sculpture for over 25 years. We feature our own Internet company which is dedicated to the Sculpture Arts Communities. We enjoy and appreciate Sculpture, it’s beauty and message, and what it offers to Sculptors-Artists and the Collectors of the world. Our sole focus is on Sculpture/Sculptural Objects/Artwork! We hope you enjoy our Sculpture Offerings, as they are constantly changing!
We here at Sculpture Collector enjoy most all types of sculpture immensely.
That is one of the many reasons we assist in the sale, purchase, buying, and the brokerage of sculpture globally. Do you want to purchase sculpture for yourself, a family member, or a friend? Contact us here at
Are you looking for a sculpture to create a message and/or beauty in your office or company? Sculpture Collector is here to assist you with both selection and purchase in a personal and secure manner. focuses on the resale brokerage of sculpture and sculptural objects for those wishing to sell all or part of their collection of sculpture, whether it’s one piece, two, three, 20, or 100 we can assist you with the sales and marketing of your sculpture. can also find sculpture for you, we are pretty good at locating Sculptural pieces, sometimes it can take time, but we do persevere for you. Contact us for in-depth details of putting the sculpture you are after on our wanted list of sculpture and sculptural objects.
Whether you are a buyer or seller, can assist with all the facets of sculpture packaging/crating/shipping. Which every once in awhile can be a little challenging. That is just another area where Sculpture Collector can assist you with our years of living in the world of sculpture!
When it comes to purchasing sculpture we offer various ways of acquiring sculpture. Please remember our sculpture market inventory includes both Secondary Resale Sculpture (meaning in most cases sculpture that has been purchased before and the current owner wishes to sell it now) and Sculpture in the Primary Market of Sculpture. works directly with Sculptor-Artists in the Primary Sculpture Market who wish to market and sell their work directly to you the buyer through the marketing assistance of
Sculpture is Life
Life today and yesterday share many things in common. One of these things is Sculpture. Sculpture has stood the test of time throughout history. Sculpture has a very effective way of recording history through its beauty, design, and message. Many sculpture monuments are referred to as statues, but the vast majority of them are still in reality sculpture. They tell many stories both good and bad about life, its happenings, and history. In many instances these sculptural monuments speak in many tongues, as the sculpture itself tells the whole story in many languages. Time is a great barometer of life along with the exceptional creations of many sculptor-artists over the centuries. Time and Sculpture go together like brother and sister. The old definitive saying or question about time – Why do we have time? Simple, “so everything does not happen at once.“! Well, needless to say sculpture or statues did not happen all at once either. Maybe I’m missing something here, but today it seems we have an overabundance of sculpture as opposed to the past, why is that? Today we have an increased populace, along with downtown areas, cities focused on sculpture and sculpture parks. Surely helps us to get into the abundance category, yet I talk with people all the time who never really give sculpture it’s due so to speak, or for that matter even give it any thought in their screen-filled lives… yes, sculpture is on the screen as well, our company is along with various others right there on the screen!
We have a long way to go to make more people aware of the powerful nature of well-executed sculpture, be it large, small public or private.
Visit our sister company Art Agents International where art paintings, art prints, objets d’ art are bought, sold, resold and brokered