Sculpture Collector

LeeRaHee Korean Vocalist

Vocal Excellence

A wonderful cover of a well know Bee Gees tune titled Don’t Forget To Remember Me by the talented vocalist performer LeeRaHee. If you have never heard her sing or know of her, you will! Her energy is unstoppable and driving in such a smooth way as is her voice. Her control of octave levels is amazing right up there with Roy Orbision or Jennifer Rush. She deserves a big multiple week performance in Las Vegas at one the important large venue hotels.

Here is a link to LeeRaHee’s cover of Don’t Forget To Remember Me

More of LeeRaHee’s performaces will be here on Sculpture Collector shortly – Stay Tuned for her vocal excellence!

LeeRaHee Korean Vocalist
LeeRaHee excellent Korean Vocalist featured on the Sculpture Collector blog

10 thoughts on “Vocal Excellence”

  1. I accidentally listened to your voice while scanning for old songs and you sang one of The Bee Gees songs and I felt I was in love for the first time again.
    I listened to all English songs you sang .
    What a beautiful GOD given voice you have.
    If you ever go to Sacramento area for a concert , I sure will go and take my husband with me too.

  2. Couldn’t agree with you more Armie! RaHee is one of the most awesome voices of our times. Been following and listening to her Velvet Pipes for 12 years!
    Here is a link that I received from her today with a compilations of 10 English songs throughout her career. Hope you Enjoy!

  3. Eric Alinzangan Corteciña Sr.

    I was so amazed of your great performance… the way you delivered the songs you sang… and the feelings on how you show behind and it touches me too much… how I loved it
    anyway… thank you so much for those wonderful and great masterpiece, it is so inspiring…
    congratulations and may you’ll continue to inspire more life with God given talents…
    more power and God Bless and I will continue to listen to your covers💯🎖️👍🙏

  4. Dear Lee
    Thank you for the joy and enchantment you bring to your audience. I love your superb voice. i never expected a Korean girl to take some of our songs to your heart, learn another language and bring us so much happiness. You leave me ecstatic. I hope one day you visit us in Australia. And your Korean accent sounds WOW.

  5. Jannah del Valle

    Miss Lee , you are such an amazing singer your sweet voice is very relaxing and comforting , love u, give us more pls… 👍🙏👏😍😘♥️💖❤️💖💙💜👏

  6. Is there any chance for me to meet you in the real life! Such a great talent I can’t wait to meet you and talk to you! Many regards from Lars in Denmark

  7. Hearing you sing your version of” I’ve Been Away Too Long “ made me kept hearing it in You Tube. You have that very superb and euphonious voice that draws people to watch you over and over. And your angelic face that I wanted to see someday in person in one of your performances. Please visit and perform in Southern California. I’ll surely buy ticket to see you and hear your voice in person.

  8. First heard this lady singing several years ago on YouTube, and was instantly captivated. Can sing such a wide range of songs. Just wish a cd were available so I could listen to her eonderful singing when driving my car. Thank you Lee Ra-Hee for such beautiful music.

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