Sculpture Collector

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Browse sculpture from Sherrill Stone

About Sherrill Stone

Sherrill Stone

From a young age, I have always felt a deep drive to create, with a purpose rooted in bringing beauty into the world.

My work is guided by a spiritual force. Often, images of sculptures will spontaneously appear in my mind, coming from this source of inspiration. When I envision a sculpture taking shape in my mind’s eye, I begin to plan how to bring it into reality. I spend a considerable amount of time studying my collection of stones, carefully selecting the one that aligns with my vision. Once I begin the process, this spiritual energy guides my hands, leading me through the stone until the final piece reveals itself.

My creations range from the deeply sensual to the stark and geometric. I enjoy exploring multiple dimensions in my work, from the abstract to the human form. Of all the materials I’ve worked with, stone brings me the greatest joy. There is a softness within its hardness—a gracefulness within its strength. It is this captivating contrast that fuels my passion for sculpting.

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