Sculpture Collector

Browse sculpture from Lois Montoya Rumohr

About Lois Montoya Rumohr

Lois Montoya Rumohr Lois is one of the original WAOW members. Growing up in southern California, Lois Rumohr became a sculptor of bronze figures including Apache Indians of Whiteriver, Arizona, and a life-size portrait bust of the Santa Clara Pueblo painter, Pablita Velarde. Observing that she is very small in stature, some persons have expressed amazement that she can work with large, heavy sculptures. Her work was included in the Encyclpedia of American Artists of the American West (Kovinick, Phil; Marian Yoshiki-Kovinick) and the Dictionary of American Sculptors (Opitz, Glenn B. -editor). She is best known for her figurative and representational bronzes but sometimes works in graphite.

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