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Browse sculpture from Gail Glikmann

About Gail Glikmann

I have been an artist and sculptor all of my life. The sculptures on this website, are in many ways a retrospective of my life’s work. I began with classical pieces, and it has taken me all this time to break free of my traditional upbringing to arrive where I am today. My art reflects that journey.

In the last 5 years, I have become fascinated with things that I have found in junk yards. As a result, my latest work has includes mosaics and various found objects, metals, e-waste, etc. Often the found objects are the inspiration for a new piece, but I never stray too far from the human form, because that’s what excites me.

Gail Glikmann Bio

Gail Glikmann is a figurative sculptor who has lived and worked in Los Angeles her entire life. She has had a talent and passion for sculpture since she was 15 years old. In 1961 at 16, she received a scholarship to the Chouinard Art Institute in Los Angeles. When she entered C-SUN in 1962, there was no sculpture department. They created a three-dimensional art department to accommodate her.

Upon graduation she got married and turned her attention to raising a family. During that time, she never stopped making sculpture, although she did not pursue a career in the arts. When her children were older, she began to teach. She taught sculpture at The American Jewish University from 1995-2010. From time to time she exhibited at galleries such as the James Grey at Bergamont, or the Galeria Gitana in the San Fernando Valley. Always a philanthropist, she has donated various pieces to Beit T’Shuvah, The Jewish Home for the Aged commissioned five pieces of hers for their gardens, and she created sculptures for the blind at the Skirball.

Now, at age 70, with a house full of phenomenal sculptures in all different mediums, she has decided to make a serious entrance into the Los Angeles art world for the first time. She was immediately accepted into the Los Angeles Art Association (LAAA) in January of 2016, and was a featured artist in 2018. In the last two years she has also been accepted as a member of the Jewish Artists Initiative (JAI), the International Society of Mosaic Artists and the Southern California Women’s Caucus for the Arts (SCWCA) and the Collage Artists of America.

Four of Glikmann’s sculptures were featured in the Netflix hit show “Grace and Frankie” in 2018.

In these few years her work has been featured in group shows all over Southern California, including Tagg Gallery in LA, Gallery 825 on La Cienega in LA and the Fe Gallery in Sacramento, and the Palm Springs Art Museum.

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