About Clancy Gray
Gray, 70 and currently resides in Broken Arrow, is a longtime art teacher in the Greater Tulsa area. He specializes in pottery, painting, sculpting, and designing jewelry in the traditional and contemporary style. Gray has produced collectible-quality fine art by creating various Native American and North American Wildlife styles, according to a press release.
He's sculpted several buffalo pieces and has a name and story behind each one. Gray calls one sculpture "The Last Emperor," he said.
"I wanted to show how majestic these animals were and we almost wiped them off the face of the earth," Gray said. "He's (buffalo) going down, but as he's going down, he still looks pretty awesome."
His paintings can be priced anywhere from $300 to $1,500. Because painting takes more time than his other hobbies, Gray said he doesn't get to paint as often, averaging two to four paintings a year. His painting also have stories behind them. He calls one "The Calm Before the Storm," which tells the story of the Indian getting ready to fight the cavalry.
"It's like the race horses are excited before the race," Gray said. "They're ready for the big fight."