Artist’s Statement
Movement in the solidity of the medium, typically stone or natural shed antler, essentially brings the greatest pleasure in my sculpting. Once the satisfaction of accomplishment on a set goal is accomplished, the others enjoyment brings a further level of joy to the project, especially if the underlying message is perceived.
A bit of history
At a young age, my artistic ability was recognized by my parents, who wholeheartedly supported my endeavors in whatever manner I chose. Living in Montana, my style was greatly influenced by the wildlife and the terrain. Flat work was a focus for many years, enjoying the colors, possible textures from paints of various kinds, until I was given a small handheld electric tool, off I went into the third dimension. The main medium, at that particular time was antler, this changed when I became involved in snow sculpture as leader/ designer/ facilitator for our local team, it was a challenge greatly enjoyed. Snow sculpting is a temporary art which enabled me to carve the biggest ever. The greatest achievement in this area was when my snow sculpting team was invited to represent the United States in Winnipeg. Feeling the vibrancy of sculpting in a larger capacity, the desire to find a medium to creatively express ideas culminated in a 9 day Symposium at Marble Colorado. A new stage began!
Charlie M Russell has influenced my art starting in my budding talent stage. Living where he lived with the museum that honors him, became a highlight in my life, when they exhibited my work in three juried shows, one being “Focus of 4” their featured honor.
Life from my earliest successes ( Best of Show, Portland Oregon gallery while attending University) until present has been an emotionally stabilizing, satisfying and learning experience. It is a pleasure and honor to let the energy flow, watch while partaking in the efforts as the art takes form, to the satisfaction of the results.
View Anna Lee Harris Stone Sculpture Carvings
Extended BIO Info
“Anna Lee” Harris
BA, University of Portland, Portland, Or
Portland Art Institute
Flathead Community College, Montana
2022 Sweet Trading Post, Bonners Ferry, Id
18-22 Schweitzer Gallery, Sandpoint, Idaho
18-21 Yaak Trading Post,
07-18 Groove Studio, sculpture, oil painting, antler carvings
2016 “Our Place” Outdoor Sculpture, Granite, Cedar, Powder coated iron, Groove Studio
2016 “Osprets, Reno NV, outdoor, European Marble, WA Granite, Serpentine, copper
15 -18 Artisan Gallery, Priest River ID, Solo opening
15-16 Winnipeg Winter Festival, Awarded position as Team USA, Snow Sculpting
06-18 Painting and Exhibit, Groove Studio, Bonners Ferry, Idaho
2014-15 Governors “Excellent in Art” nominee
2012 Bonners Ferry, Idaho outdoor sculpture, Boundary County Library
05-12 Featured artist, Hunter & Co., Whitefish Mt.
97-11 Extended artist position, Cedar Street Bridge Gallery, Sandpoint, Id
09-10 Featured Artist, Story Woods Gallery, Coeur d Alene, Id
08-10 Sculpture exhibit, Timber Stand Gallery, Sandpoint, Id
2008 Solo Sculpture and Painting Exhibit, Cedar Street Gallery,Sandpoint (Id) Invitational Exhibition
07-08 Solo Sculpture Exhibits, White Pass, Oregon, Top Award both years
87-17 Snow Sculpting at international standing, consistent cash/top awards.
05-07 Solo Exhibits, Buffalo Gallery, Denver, Colorado
97-03 Mixed Exhibit, Toneri Gallery, Ketchum, Idaho
00-02 Stone Sculpture Exhibit, The Egret, Juniper, Florida
98-06 Three Solo Sculpture Shows, Shared Visions Gallery, Delray Beach, Florida
2001 “Bearly There” Sandpoint, Id. W/ Diana Botkins, benefited Sandpoint Panida Theatre, library
1999 “Focus on Four” C. M. Russell Museum Gallery, Great Falls, Montana
97-00 Solo Sculpture Exhibit, Artisan, Eagle, Idaho
1998 Idaho Commission of Arts Grant, Boise, Idaho
96-99 Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Missoula, Montana
97 & 99 “Focus on Four” & “Lure Allure” C.M. Russell Museum Gallery, Great Falls, Montana
1971 Best of Show, Meyer and Frank, Garden Gallery
View Anna Lee Harris Stone Sculpture Carvings

2013 & 2014 National Geographic “Ranger Rick” children’s magazine
2000 & 2008 Featured Artist, Art Calendar Magazine
1999 Slippery Rock Gazette, Featured artist, Knoxville, TN, “Carving in Stone”
Annotated Bibliography of Larch Casebearer Parasitoids, Graphic designs (cover and internal)Various graphics
Shannon Earle, Sandpoint, Idaho (4 commissioned sculptures)
David Schindler Law Offices and Associates, Pacific Palisades, California (10 sculptures)
Benbrooke Environmental, Lewiston, Idaho (5 sculptures)
Mellinger Fruit Corp. Juniper, Fl ( 4 Sculptures)
Pierce Brosnan, Malibu, California (Sculpture)
St. Patrick’s Catholic Cathedral, New York, N.Y. (Madonna sculpture)
Doctor Douglas Beazer Dental office, Bonners, Ferry, Idaho (3 Sculptures)
North Idaho Animal Hospital, Sandpoint, Idaho (3 sculptures)
Moscow (Id) Dental Office (6 Paintings)